LVFT Collective

133 members
For guys who need no BS advice on being the best version of themselves. And for girls who recognize the benefits of gaining strength and building muscle. This place is for you.

╎✌🏽╎All levels of fitness welcome (Modded with 10+ years of lifting experience)
╎🍕╎Nutrition and Supplements
╎💪╎Lifting and Programming
╎🫂╎Support and Vent
╎👑╎Leveling-Up Role bonuses and badges based on activity
╎✅╎Exclusive Verified perks including but not limited to personal journal, TL;DR resources, and downloadable program creators

With more members and advisors from all walks of life, we can create a more interactive library of resources for any and all upcoming athletes and lifters alike to find exactly what they need to start or continue their fitness journeys.